

by the Board of PA BUA

Protocol No. 2 dated 08.06.2023


of the X Minsk International Biennale

of Young Architects



The founder and organizer of the X Minsk International Biennale of Young Architects “Leonardo 2023” (hereinafter referred to as the Biennale) is the Belarusian Union of Architects (BUA). The Biennale is held under the auspices and with the support of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus, International Union of Architects (UIA) and International Association of Unions of Architects (IAUA). The Biennale is held in the framework of the XV National Festival of Architecture in order to familiarize the public and foreign colleagues with the works of young architects performed in the last three years; to identify the best works and authors; to identify promising directions of development of architecture; to promote creative achievements of young architects.

Works done in the course of professional (non-student) activities, which have not been exhibited at the previous “Leonardo” Biennales, can participate in the Biennale.

In the sections "Projects" and "Constructions" of the Biennale, works are accepted, the authors of which at the time of execution are up to 40 years old inclusive.

The number of works by the same author or group of authors is unlimited.

The Biennale is held in three stages:

Stage 1: July, 24 - September, 11 – online registration and submission of an electronic copy of the work for assessment by the international expert jury.

Stage 2: September, 25 - September, 29 – the international jury will determine the winners in each category in 2 sections “Constructions” and “Projects”.

Stage 3: October, 14:

  • works of winners in the categories and of Grand Prix recipients will be exhibited in the Belarusian Union of Architects (Minsk, Karl Marx Str., 14).
  • winners from Belarus will receive awards in the Belarusian Union of Architects (Minsk, Karl Marx Str., 14). Foreign winners will receive awards through the embassies of their countries.
  • the results will be announced and the projects of all participants of the Biennale will be presented on the website

Architectural works executed in a professional manner, of social and public importance, featuring architectural, artistic, engineering and economic excellence shall be recognized the best.

The best works participating in the Biennale will be awarded the prizes of the X Minsk International Biennale of Young Architects “LEONARDO-2023”.


In the Biennale works can participate in two sections: “Constructions” and “Projects”.

Constructions built and put into operation in the years 2020-2023 can participate in the “Constructions” section.

The “Projects” section involves projects, pre-projects and author’s concepts.

In the sections “Constructions” and “Projects” the following categories are determined:

  1. Urban planning and layout.
  2. Public and industrial complexes, buildings and constructions.
  3. Residential multi-storey houses.
  4. Residential single-family houses and low-rise houses (1-3 floors).
  5. Landscape architecture, urban street design, monumental art and sculpture in architecture.
  6. Interior of buildings and structures.


The following awards are established for the winners of the Biennale:

  1. For the best work in the “Constructions” section – the “Great Grand Prix”, the medal and the diploma of the Biennale.
  2. For the best work in the “Project” section – the “Small Grand Prix”, the medal and the diploma of the Biennale..
  3. The winner in the categories of the sections “Constructions” and “Projects” – the medal and the diploma of the Biennale.

In the case of the jury's decision to establish the second place in a category – the diploma of the Biennale.

In addition to the prizes of “LEONARDO-2023” works will be awarded with diplomas of the BUA, IAUA and other organizations, as well as special prizes.


The jury of 5 persons is appointed by the Board of the PA "BUA".

The Chairman will be determined by the approved jury. The jury will include famous foreign architects, as well as leading architects of the Republic of Belarus.

On September, 25 - September, 29 the jurors will determine the winners in all categories and sections by online voting and assigning relevant points to the projects.

The jurors shall not participate in the Biennale. Decisions made by the jury are certified by protocols signed by all members of the jury who participated in the online voting. If several projects receive the same number of points, the Chairman's vote is decisive.


To participate in the Biennale a responsible representative of an authoring team shall proceed as follows:

  1. Register on the website: on or before the 11th of September, 2023 (you shall register each object participating in the Biennale).
  2. Send an electronic copy of the work in JPEG, PDF or TIFF format (panel/poster 1000 (h) x 900 mm, resolution 300 dpi) to the e-mail: on or before the 11th of September.
  3. The registration fee in 2023 is CANCELLED. The Belarusian Union of Architects undertakes to produce exhibition materials (constructions) of the winners’ projects sent by email. 


Objects are presented by the author or by the responsible representative of a group of authors. The materials shall be submitted in JPEG, PDF or TIFF format (panel/poster 1000 (h) x 900 mm, resolution of 300 dpi). One object shall be placed on one panel/poster and presented according to the design scheme of the object (Appendix A). Works can be presented in any form (photographs, drawings, etc.). The object shall be presented in the most comprehensive way (plans in a readable scale, general plan (situation plan), elevations (facade), images (photos), technical and economic parameters, etc.) and on a separate panel/poster.

Information about the object shall be specified at the top of the panel/poster in a margin of 100 mm height according to the scheme. You shall specify the name(s) of the participant(s) of the Biennale and the extent of their participation in the project (author, co-author, a member of a group of architects, etc.), the entire team of authors, as well as the name of the organization that fulfilled the project. At the upper right corner you shall place the appropriate square/circle signifying the “Section” and “Category” of the project.

The coloured square of 40x40 mm signifies a category of the contest.

  1. Blue - Urban planning.
  2. Red - Public and industrial complexes, buildings and constructions.
  3. Orange - Residential multi-storey houses.
  4. Yellow - Residential low-rise houses.
  5. Green - Landscape architecture, urban street design, monumental art and sculpture in architecture.
  6. Grey - Interiors of buildings and constructions.

The black outline around the coloured square of 10 mm thickness signifies the “Construction” section, its absence signifies the “Projects” section.

Objects submitted for the participation in the Biennale that failed to comply with these requirements will be exhibited, but will not be considered by the jury.


Address: the Republic of Belarus, 220030, Minsk, 14 Karl Marx str.,

tel / fax: + 375 (17) 327 71 20,

More information on


A. Execution Scheme


Appendix A


The name and location of the object:

Stage of the project:

Project enterprise,

Author(s) participating in the Biennale,

Members of the group of authors:

Year and month of putting into service:






















Suggested drawings and photographs to be placed on the sketch-board:

  1. Prospects (photomontage) before and after construction
  2. General plan
  3. Plans
  4. Elevations
  5. Sections and Details
  6. Notes and technical-economic indicators



The name and location of the object:

Stage of the project:

Project enterprise,

Author(s) participating in the Biennale,

Members of the group of authors:

Year and month of the project release:


























Suggested drawings and photographs to be placed on the sketch-board:

  1. Prospects (photomontage) before and after construction
  2. General plan
  3. Plans
  4. Elevations
  5. Sections and Details
  6. Notes and technical-economic indicators


ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ X Минского международного биеннале молодых архитекторов «ЛЕОНАРДО 2023»
REGULATIONS of the X Minsk International Biennale of Young Architects «LEONARDO-2023»